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Spring Cleaning...anyone?

Hello friends! Do you spring clean?... is my REAL question. I have never been a spring cleaner... at home. At work (My Gym) I had a bi-yearly cleaning schedule that my staff and I did religiously. But at home, it's a different ball game. Running around after my three, wonderfully loud kidlets makes thorough cleaning very difficult.

In past years I often said my husband and I were a great cleaning pair. I'm the day-to-day tidy-upper and he's the down and dirty Sunday scrubber! For us, it was a great system. The socks and crayons and food bits were taken care of daily by me and the real disinfecting was taken care of by my awesome man!

Flash forward to today, My husband's new career keeps him very busy on his feet for at least 12 hours a day and he's exhausted by the time he's home. To add insult to injury, he gets two days off a week but they aren't usually consecutive. What does that mean for me? Mostly, I miss my husband but secondly, I miss having a grime free bathroom.

I still take out the trash and recycling, wipe down the counters, do the dishes, clean the bathtub, clean the tabletops after the girls 'clean' them, sweep daily and do laundry, on top of all that I do to, for and with the kiddos. I don't want to scrub the toilet or mop the floors. I don't have the energy to do them either. But, they need to get done.

So, this year I think I'm going to give it a try, Spring Cleaning, that is.  Although I just cleaned everything when we moved's probably time (a house with 5 people) to hit everything again. If you are like me and not a spring cleaner, here is a post from a blog I like that gives great tips and useful checklists to help you (and I) get it done in 2014! My favorite tips are to send the kids to a sitter for the day, create an upbeat playlist and take all of your cleaning supplies with you from room-to-room. Now, to get my head in the game.......

Happy Cleaning!


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