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Week 1

Today in the end of my first week as a stay-at-home-mom! This week was full of ups and downs! Some of the ups were playing with my girls, starting a new session in our playgroup and seeing old friends, plus all of the hugs, kisses and smiles I got to witness throughout the week! As for some of the downs; Mikayla bit a hole through her lip at the playground on day 1. Malia had a diaper explosion all down the hallway on day 2. Mikayla had a total meltdown at the laundry mat on day 3. Malia was rough housing with one of the girls at the playgroup yesterday ( I think the girl's mom was annoyed). Plus, I ran myself into the ground yesterday and had to call daddy in for a Tag-team moment. He was awesome last night! He gave them dinner, bathed them and tired them out/ watched them while I got to rest and make a phone call! Go Daddy!

I know this time with the girls is so precious! They will only be this little once! One thing I've heard all parents say is how quickly kids grow up. Even though there are tough moments and challenging tasks ( like getting Mikayla to stop stealing Malia's pacifiers), I feel very grateful to my husband that I get to spend this time at home with them! OK, now that the sweet, lovey stuff is all said, here's the reality; what have I gotten myself into? 

I hope you will join me on this adventure called motherhood as I, hopefully, find my voice and a clear path to our happily ever after! See you next week...


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