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Almost 5 years ago I moved to New York City with a dog and a car. This week I left with a family! I never could have imagined what my life would become at that time. I hadn't really dated much and hadn't even had a serious boyfriend.  My first apartment was across from where the new Yankee stadium was being built, I worked in my brother's office and knew no-one. My husband is the love of my life and my best friend rolled up in one!  We met while working together and I dragged him all around Manhattan trying new foods, seeing new places and trying new things! We had a blast and fell in love during the process.  Together we have build an amazing family!

So, here's the story of our trip: We started packing up our house on Thursday.  How crazy were we to think we could pack it up and get on the road on the same day! Insert sit-com laughter now... By Friday night, 6:00, we were finally ready to do the walk through with our landlord and return the keys. Mark painted the bedroom and livingroom back to white and we actually got our security deposit back! Great news! We stayed the night at his grandmother's house in Harlem and left around 11:30 am Saturday morning!

Traffic on the way to the GW bridge and again on The NJ Turnpike. By the time we got to the DC area it was about 5:00. So, we decided to keep trucking until about 9pm when we pulled of in Virginia and found a hotel. The girls loved the hotel. Jumping on the bed, taking a bath and running around! Plus, Cable! They got to watch the goodnight show on sprout before bed and all was well with the world!

Day 2 was Virginia, North and South Carolina. Mosquitoes, fast food on the go and restless little girls plagued our day and y the second night in a hotel the magic was gone, almost. This hotel room came with a crib... lots of fun climbing in and out and playing baby. By this night their schedule was sooo far out of the window that the two youngest ones couldn't fall asleep until after 11pm!!! So much for Mommy & Daddy wind down time!

Day 3 was the very last bit of South Carolina and all of Florida! We finally arrived to grandma's house by 8:30pm with screaming and crying and excitement all wrapped up! Hugs, kisses, food and bathroom visits were plentiful. After a good night's sleep we were back to work. Found a storage unit and unpacked our things. The last few days have been spent getting things we need to settle: baby gates for the steps, a new dresser for the girls, job for Mark, researching preschools, and lots of laundry.

We are all excited to make a life for ourselves in Florida! Here's to another wonderful 3-5 years full of growth, happy adventures and making new friends! Let's not forget lots of beach days! Check back soon!


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