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Showing posts from October, 2012


Is it a rule of the universe that when you travel with your kids they must always get sick? We just returned from visiting my mom in Florida for just over a week and this trip was actually different! Instead of one kid getting a little cold, two kids got a virus that landed one in the ER and one at an urgent care clinic! To make matters even worse, my tooth chipped and I had to go to a dentist the morning of our return flight! Talk about a whirlwind! Now were are back home and I have the pleasure of schedulling all of our follow up care. Love it!

Eczema Woes

My middle daughter Malia developed eczema when she was about 4 months old. It started on her face and progressed to her entire body by the time she was 18 months old. She's about to have her second birthday and her skin is so dry, it's the worst it has ever been. She has an uncontrollabe urge to scratch her skin and recently she's even made herself bleed. I give her oatmeal baths and use aveeno bath products. I also lather her in aquaphor to keep her skin hydrated and she still wakes up most nights ( early mornings) scratching and crying in pain and frustration. I am not only sleep deprived but I'm at my whits end! I do all I can to keep her comfortable but she still has issues. I wish I could take it on for her, as most mom's would want. So, my baby, Madison, is now 7 months old and she also developed eczema! Just my luck. Now I have 2 itchy kids. The worst part is seeing her little face look at me as she's scratching her skin with a pleading look ' mommy...