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Showing posts from May, 2012

Mommy's Days

I just celebrated my 36th Birthday! My day started out as any regular mommy day. Awake with baby Madison at 5:30.  Mikayla woke up super early at 6:15 and started demanding things like juice and snacks and Strawberry Shortcake episodes. I tried to do some grocery shopping and a few errands but couldn't even leave the house. I had Mikayla and Malia all dressed and ready to go but Madison wasn't having it. By the time I got her fed, changed and settled, it was time to get the older girls ready for lunch and nap. So, when they were all down, I had a chance to clean up a bit, shower and figure out what I was going to wear for my surprise date night! Mark left work early but we still started our night out running late. In spite of our time crunch we had a wonderful time! Dinner at a Korean Bar-B-Q, tango lessons and a trip to the Empire State Building! Once we were home long enough to relieve the babysitter, Malia woke up crying for mommy and my carriage turned back into a pumpkin! ...

3 under 3!

I am the mommy of three little girls all under the age of 3 years old! What?!?! That sounds so crazy! During my 20's I told everyone I wasn't 'birthin no babies'. There was always a part of me that wanted to be a mom but I never thought I would find love. I never really had any steady boyfriend either so it wasn't a part of my reality back then. Flash forward to my 30's, I moved to NYC, met and fell in love with Mark and now, here I am with 3 under 3. Not only do I have 3 kids but I am a stay at home mom. That means that I'm working 24/7 instead of 9-5! Not only am I on call 24 hours a day but I'm called upon most of the time also! When I was young my mom used to say ' I'm changing my name' and I only recently understood what she meant! I'm sure all mommy's know exactly what I mean. My husband is a great help! He does 90% of the cooking and he is great with the girls! In fact, we just signed Mikayla (2.8) up for swimming lessons a...